Creation d’un logo pour un espace degustation et vente de cafe et chocolat colombien

Détails du concours:

  • Titulaire du concours: Colombianatural
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Total budget: € 150.00
  • Date de lancement : 17-11-2020 18:44
  • Date de clôture : 01-12-2020 00:00
  • Statut : Terminé
  • Fichiers pertinents:
  • Langues disponibles:
  • Nombre de designs: 293
  • Taux d'implication du client:
    faible élevée


Je suis en train de créer un espace pour déguster, vendre des produits colombiens (café, chocolat et artisanat colombien) et pour s’initier à la culture du pays. L'aspect des relations humaines, des produits bio, du commerce éthique est au cœur de mon projet. Au-delà de la vente, j'aimerais que mes clients aient envie de découvrir et de voyager dans une Colombie naturelle et pacifique.

Nom de l'entreprise : ColombiaNatural

Description de l'entreprise:

Ventes de produits Colombien(Aliments & Artisanat)
Commerce ethique
Produit Bio
Culture Colombienne
Relations humaines

La cible:

Couleurs, favoris et autres exigences:

J'aime les Logo assez simple

Colombia et natural doivent etre attachés: ColombiaNatural

ColombiaNatural doit etre parfaitement lisible quelque soit le support (carte de visite, facture, affiche)

Attention!! aux effets qui risquent de ne pas apparaitre sur une impression papier!!

  • Logo  n°1138422 Signaler un abus
    1. galuh dit

      please check, thank you

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1137802 Signaler un abus
    1. galuh dit

      hi, please check the logo design that I have sent I have added 5 stars to the logo

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1137658 Signaler un abus
    1. galuh dit

      hi I have sent the design, such as your request, please check it, thank you very much

    2. Colombianatural dit :

      Hi! I would like your Logo where there are 5 stars but with the "N" like your last logo

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1137159 Signaler un abus
    1. galuh dit

      please check, I've changed the N position on the logo

    2. Colombianatural dit :

      Yes! that's it. Thanks very much. I have to choose now...and you know it's not easy... so many good things

    3. Colombianatural dit :

      I would like THIS position of the "N" but in your design with 5 stars.
      Do not fill the interior with white.

      About the writing. Take the position of SK SIMO.
      With dashes on each side of "El lado bueno de la vida"

    4. galuh dit

      Hi, I have changed the design using the additional sentence below the natural colombia sentence like sk simo, I can't send the design that I fixed because the contest has closed, if you win my design, I'm ready to revise the final limit

    5. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1137081 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1137080 Signaler un abus
    1. Colombianatural dit :

      This one is good. but The coffe bean inside the C has to be reverse to form a N

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1137079 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

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  • Logo  n°1137078 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1136620 Signaler un abus
    1. Colombianatural dit :

      Thanks for the try.

      I would like you change the direction of the Logo.

      I send a file with the new drawing, look at the third file.

      With this direction we have exactly the N inside the C.

      Could you use the font of the picture I marked with 3 stars

      All Captals letters an attached.

    2. galuh dit

      Can you provide a link, for inspiration I changed the direction of the logo on the design. I'm having trouble finding the file you attached.

    3. galuh dit

      Hi, I sent some designs, please check, to be honest I'm a little disappointed because other contestants imitated my design pattern, thank you very much for the rating you gave, thank you very much

    4. galuh dit

      Hi, I have changed the design using the additional sentence below the natural colombia sentence like sk simo, I can't send the design that I fixed because the contest has closed, if you win my design, I'm ready to revise the final limit

    5. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1136610 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1136601 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1136342 Signaler un abus
    1. galuh dit

      Hi, I sent the design to you, please check, if there is anything that needs to be changed, I will change it according to your wishes

    2. Colombianatural dit :

      Yes! really nice! please

      Could you try the same with :

      COLOMBIANATURAL. attached

      ColombiaNatural with C & N as captal letters

    3. galuh dit

      can you give an example, what do you want? I will change the design as your request

    4. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1135774 Signaler un abus
    1. galuh dit

      hi, I've changed the design according to your request, please check it, thanks

    2. revameditee dit

      WOOA !! nice one, i hope you will be choose !

    3. BasileG dit

      Very good logo !

    4. Colombianatural dit :

      Yes Very Good!
      Please I would like we can read Clearly Colombia Natural...
      It's too dark.. on the screen it's very nice... but If we print it.. the result won't be so nice

    5. Colombianatural dit :

      I would like too something more general...It's truth I am goind to sell coffee but not only.

      Remember :

      Product of Colombia:
      Natural product
      Ethic trade

    6. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1135620 Signaler un abus
    1. Colombianatural dit :

      Hello. Thanks for the project.
      I think it is very important that we have to read perfectly Natural on the same line than Colombia.
      Could you try to change it

    2. galuh dit

      I immediately revised as you wish

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°1135608 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

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