Création d'un logo pour un studio crossfit - Yoga - Diététique

Détails du concours:
Pack bronze

  • Titulaire du concours: AlexetJL
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Total budget: € 229.00
  • Date de lancement : 08-07-2017 00:42
  • Date de clôture : 22-07-2017 00:00
  • Statut : Terminé
  • Fichiers pertinents: Aucun
  • Langues disponibles:
  • Nombre de designs: 259
  • Taux d'implication du client:
    faible élevée


Nous aimerions un logo :

- Simple et épuré.

- Forme géométrique.

- Que nos clients puissent s'identifier à cette forme donc quelques chose de fort.

- Facilement déclinable pour l'utiliser dans l'ensemble de notre communication (fly, Facebook etc).

- Que l'on puisse utiliser le dessin principal pour chaque activités sans y mettre une connotation.

- lier le dessin aux initiales

Merci à tous.

Description de l'entreprise:

Bonjour à tous,

Nous allons ouvrir un complexe sportif comprenant deux studios différents. Ce complexe se nommera "Manaia Training ou MT" (Manaia = Symbole maori)

Il accueillera :

- Activité principale (50%): Une "box crossfit" (exercices avec charges + Gymnastic + cardiotraining).
- Activité secondaire (très importante 30%): Un studio yoga.
- Activité annexe (20%) : Restauration et un pole diététique.

L'idée est vraiment de faire des "boutiques gym" (fitness spécialisé) = Clubs dans le club.

Ce sera une entreprise dynamique, familial, simple et avec des prestations de qualité pour offrir un accompagnement total à nos clients avec des pratiques très tendances.

L'activité principal tournera essentiellement autour du crossfit car il occupera la moitié du local mais le yoga aura une partie prépondérante dans ce projet.

La cible:

Couleurs, favoris et autres exigences:

  • Logo  n°751709 Signaler un abus
    1. artamad dit

      Comment on the other design for revisions ;)

    2. artamad dit

      Any thoughts?

    3. artamad dit

      Any thoughts on the design so I can delete this if you need revision?

    4. artamad dit

      Any updates on this?

    5. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°750954 Signaler un abus
    1. Description du designer artamad:

      14th design, I can only send one last design.

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      It's very nice. If you can do the same design with the good name (new name = Manaia Training) because studio it's too yogi for us. We like this design !

    3. artamad dit

      Hello, could you rate 0 on the other design without your comment. So i can delete them. I can only send one last revision, cause all the revisions you wanted.have your comments now

    4. AlexetJL dit :

      We prefer the design of the one just before. Thinner, more subtle.

    5. AlexetJL dit :

      Can you put the first one or the third on a t-shirt please ?

    6. artamad dit

      Revision submitted

    7. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°749720 Signaler un abus
    1. Description du designer artamad:

      Updated version, please reply on the other images, so I can delete the ones with 0 rating and no comments. Thanks!

    2. artamad dit

      Any updates?

    3. artamad dit

      Hello? Can I delete this now?

    4. MiliG dit

      Let it be there it looks good ... LOL

    5. AlexetJL dit :

      Hello and sorry to answer only now. Your design is fine but unfortunately our future customers as well as our family does not cling with this style eventually. That's why we went back on a much simpler design. Thank you again for your work.

    6. artamad dit

      no prob, will send a few mock ups later.

    7. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°749303 Signaler un abus
    1. artamad dit

      Bigger beak, adjusted the whole design. Any thoughts?

    2. artamad dit

      Do you need more changes?

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°749257 Signaler un abus
    1. Description du designer artamad:

      I can only send 1 last design. Please rate 0 on the designs you dont like and has no comment. So I can delete them for space. I can only send 15 designs limit, this is the 13th design. Please rate 0 on the designs you dont like so I can send more later

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      ok i have done that.

    3. artamad dit

      Any changes on this design?

    4. AlexetJL dit :

      The first one is very nice.
      I think this eagle drawing is not the best but the full logo is top. Rather turn the eagle in the other direction to the right so that it looks towards the future.

    5. AlexetJL dit :

      I answer here for the last design. I think if you can mix the eagle and the design with the last two design it's perfect. Not with the ying yang in back.

    6. artamad dit

      Mix the new eagle with the last two design?

    7. artamad dit

      Any updates on the recent design? Do you just need two colors? Or I can add a new color?

    8. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°749241 Signaler un abus
    1. AlexetJL dit :

      Sorry for my explanations. It would be necessary to keep the model of previous drawing by retouching the beak so that it leaves the kettlebell like the nose of the bull. And just turn the head so that the eye takes the place of the white point of the ying.

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      Sorry for my explanations. It would be necessary to keep the model of previous drawing by retouching the beak so that it leaves the kettlebell like the nose of the bull. And just turn the head so that the eye takes the place of the white point of the ying.

    3. AlexetJL dit :

      Can you put the white point into the eagle eye
      With the first logo
      Keep the same eagle as first but with a large nose

    4. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°749117 Signaler un abus
    1. AlexetJL dit :

      The idea of ​​the head of the eagle in the kettlebell is really top with the ying / yang. The design of the eagle may be too minimalist and it is difficult to see it. Can be balance the yin / yang by taking into account a part with the eye of the eagle

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      Reassemble the head of the eagle as on the logo thorus.

    3. AlexetJL dit :

      Rework the appearance of the eagle.

    4. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°748941 Signaler un abus
    1. Description du designer artamad:

      Which one do you like? 1,2 or 3?

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      it's very good idea. Maybe too red. You can insert a touch of yoga ? Zen ?

    3. artamad dit

      Zen circle?

    4. artamad dit

      What colors do you prefer?

    5. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°748576 Signaler un abus
    1. artamad dit

      This one better than the old one?

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      Yes sure ! it's very nice.

    3. artamad dit

      Do you need any other changes? Can you rate 0 on the ones you dont like so I can delete them again :)

    4. AlexetJL dit :

      We like this logo very much but by showing it to prospective customers, there was not the same enthusiasm. They can not identify with this drawing. So we will think. Thank you very much.

    5. AlexetJL dit :

      If ever you still want to suggest something. We just discussed it is possibly to leave in this style of logo but with in main image an eagle (whole or that the head) which I think will allow the members to identify themselves fully. A bit like in my attachments for the THORUS logo.

    6. AlexetJL dit :

      or a thorus instead of eagle

    7. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°748505 Signaler un abus
    1. artamad dit

      Do you like the red version of this? If not please reply here so I can delete it :)

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      not really. thanks

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°748144 Signaler un abus
    1. artamad dit

      Do you need more changes?

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      I don't know. It's the best since the beginning but i don't know if it's enough strong and representative for crossfit. It's difficult to say what can you change because it's very nice.

    3. AlexetJL dit :

      Maybe keep this design but can be integrate it into a stronger shape to really orient it logo crossfit more than yoga

    4. AlexetJL dit :

    5. AlexetJL dit :

      I think our logo is between this one and that of alex sonnet.

    6. artamad dit

      Do you need other changes on this? I have a recent design, leme know if you like anything on that. Font/design/presentation or anything :)

    7. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°748126 Signaler un abus
    1. AlexetJL dit :

      In red and black it's possible ?

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°748060 Signaler un abus
    1. artamad dit

      Do you like this? Or do you need something else?

    2. AlexetJL dit :

      It is very good but when I see this logo I understand that it is essentially yoga with a little part of strenght and we want the opposite. Crossfit it's a big part in our project. thank you so much for your hard work.

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°747779 Signaler un abus
    1. AlexetJL dit :

      It's very good, but a little bit too "yogi" for me. We don't see the crossfit part. thank you.

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°747684 Signaler un abus
    1. AlexetJL dit :

      On ne comprend pas la signification de la forme si il y en a une... Merci.

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

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