Cryobar le nouveau concept de cryothérapie corps entier cherche un logo

Détails du concours:
Pack argent

  • Titulaire du concours: Avital
  • Categorie: Logo
  • Total budget: € 329.00
  • Date de lancement : 15-01-2017 23:14
  • Date de clôture : 22-01-2017 23:12
  • Statut : Terminé
  • Formats requis: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Fichiers pertinents: Aucun
  • Langues disponibles:
  • Nombre de designs: 302
  • Taux d'implication du client:
    faible élevée


La Cryothérapie Corps Entier est un traitement physique et psychique qui fait appel aux vertus du froid extrême (Azote liquide -196 degré).
Stimulé efficacement, notre corps possède des capacités extraordinaires et insoupçonnables pour se maintenir dans un état de bonne santé et de bien-être.
Sous l'action du froid, des endorphines sont libérées, votre corps est stimulé, le stress dissout, les tensions apaisées et les toxines oubliées. La cryotherapie produit des effets visibles et rapides, scientifiquement prouvés tant pour les sportifs que les novices.

Action relaxante (un boost naturel): Combattre le stress du quotidien, diminuer les troubles du sommeil, les insomnies, amélioration de la détente et de la relaxation générale.
Action antidouleur : Apaiser vos douleurs musculaires et articulaires ou les faire disparaître : tendinites, migraines, arthrose, rhumatismes
Action drainante et veinologique : Lutter contre la rétention d’eau et les problèmes dermatologiques.
Action amincissante : dépense calorifique, augmentation la tonicité et le raffermissement de la peau.

Habituelle réservé à des sportifs de haut niveau, cette technique se démocratise des les SPA et hôtels de luxe pour une clientèle aisée (env. 95€ la séance de 3 minutes)

Notre concept CRYOBAR va permettre à une clientèle plus large de bénéficier de ce type de traitement, en proposant des séances de 3 minutes à un tarif très compétitif (env. 36€) dans une cabine ultra moderne. L'économie est faite en réduisant le temps passé dans le centre en en diminuant la consommation d’azote liquide par rapport aux autres machines déjà commercialisées.

Il doit bien entendu faire penser au traitement par le froid
Il doit indiquer l'efficacité du système et de sa machine
Il doit fait professionnel et sérieux.
Il doit rassurer avant tout le client car le tarif agressif ne doit pas faire "LOW COST".
Il doit attirer et faire se questionner.

Certaines couleurs sont déjà définis par la machine qui sera construite dans le RAL 1013, et dont le tissu intérieur sera un bleu cobalt foncé de type RAL 5013.

L'ouverture du premier centre sera sur paris d'ici 2 à 3 mois. Nous prévoyons d'ouvrir 4 autres centres puis de vendre le concept clé en main pour d'éventuels entrepreneurs.

Description de l'entreprise:

La cible:

Couleurs, favoris et autres exigences:

  • Logo  n°690790 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Good Morning!

      Here is the updated design as per your suggestion.
      Also have provided few minor variations in the lettering.
      Let me know which number you prefer.

      Kind Regards,

    2. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hello Avital,

      Did you check the design?

      Was Waiting for your response!

      If you have decided to go with some other design,
      Please let me know, so I can use the design for other projects,

      Do reply
      Kind Regards,

    3. Avital dit :

      Dear Rusty, I wasn't online since friday.
      I really like your new logo, something is missing, how can we continu if your quota is over?
      I would try a red snowflak with a white halo around.
      thank you

    4. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hi, let me know your preference amongst the 4 logo here
      So can update it n send u preview

    5. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°690546 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit


      Here is the updated font style in caps.
      Have made the snow flake Ral1013 on blue bg RAL 5013.
      Have removed the dot/sphere from the "C".

      This is my entry no. 14. Can upload only one more.
      Theirs a limit of 15 uploads per designer.

      Awaiting your response,

      Kind Regards,

    2. Avital dit :

      i think we are in the correct direction ... I would use the draw smaller instead of the O in the name and I will modify the C which isn't relly nice. keeping the ral 1013 in background. for any changes we could continue by mail if possible what do you think?

    3. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Draw smaller, I am not understanding.
      Are you talking about the icon or the O in the name cryobar.
      C needs To be changed, but it has to follow the font style of the name. So the font style needs to change.
      Do you prefer rounded fonts or sporty or squarish type.

      Lastly, their are few Design s where you haven't commented, just remove the star rating s from those designs and I will delete those designs. It will free me 2-3 upload space.

    4. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Can work through email once their is no upload space.

    5. Avital dit :

      I really don't know how to remove stars... I tried but no succes
      1. I want to include the draw in the name by removing the letter O and replace it by the draw reduced at the same size as the other letter.
      2. The C letter looks unfinished, Another graphist has include an arrow cut like part of a watch. It was a good idea but it needed to be deepen (

    6. Avital dit :

      YOu also removed the underline but you can replace it because it was nice (

    7. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Ya, I removed the underline because when the lettering of name was small the "y" was disturbing the sentence under it. So I cut the tail of y and to balance it introduce the line. Shall place it back.

      Yes, I remember that design with arrow for c. Shall update my design accordingly and present the updated version in morning.

      In meantime if you have any other concerns, suggestions please do tell. Shall update the design and present them in morning.

    8. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Will also remove the O from name and replace it with logo icon

    9. Avital dit :

      At this time you are only 2 in competition

    10. Avital dit :

      We can work by mail to finish the work, my address is simple. i n f o a t the name of the company .fr

    11. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Will mail you when it is needed.
      It's 4;30am now here.
      Shall update and upload the design in morning. And if further changes are needed shall mail you.
      I am using smart phone for typing, it is really time consuming process. I really hate typing on these phones.

      C u after couple of hours.

    12. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°690524 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit


    2. Avital dit :

      I like this one we need to test different font. (maybe in capital letter)

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°690523 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Good Evening!

      Here is the design I have been working on.
      The Nitrogen atom structure as icon.
      The nitrogen atom has 2 energy fields of electrons revolving around the protons and neutrons.
      The first field contains 2 electrons and the second field with 5 electrons (total of 7 electrons).
      At the center snow flake ( symbolising 7protons and 7neutrons).
      Also in the icon have used the arcs to form the part shape of C (Cryo) and part shape arc ) for b (bar). The first field passes through the "cb" containing 2 elctorns

      Awaiting your response,

      Kind Regards,

    2. Avital dit :

      the circle inside the letter C isn't necessary I would try a Ral1013 on the snowflake with blu background, and different font

    3. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Shall update the design with font and colors as per your suggestions.
      Please if possible remove the ratings from the designs where you have not mentioned any comments, so i can delete them. The total number of submissions that can be made are limited to 15. If you shall remove the ratings from the designs where you have not mention any comments I can delete them and gain some space so can make the changes and present/upload the design for your visualisation.

    4. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°690311 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hi Avital,
      Good Morning!

      Here is the updated design with the colors as per your requirement.
      RAL 1013 - CMYK value 5, 10, 20, 0 and hex value #e3d9c6
      RAL 5013 - CMYK value 100, 80, 10, 50 and hex value ##193153

      Kind Regards,

    2. Avital dit :

      very nice...

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689863 Signaler un abus
    1. Avital dit :

      lots of work... impressive. Can you try with a RAL1013 background

    2. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Sure, shall present the updated design soon.
      Had two more concepts in mind.
      1) how about using the nitrogen atom structure as the icon.
      2) one of the concepts shall need to break the name stacked upon one another
      Is it ok?

    3. Avital dit :

      nitrogen atom structure as the icon as been tryed by other graphist with no impressive result. Of course you are free to make a test. Regarding the name I prefer to keep the name together

    4. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Extremely sorry, I didn't notice the typo.
      My sincere apologies.
      Shall present the updated design with Ral1013 background soon.

    5. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689862 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689861 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689775 Signaler un abus
    1. Avital dit :

      Simple, elegant, proper, needs just a bit of flow, energy

    2. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Will work on the design and present updated version soon.

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689773 Signaler un abus
    1. aucun commentaires

    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689751 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hi Avital,

      Here is my new design for you.
      Have created the icon with the help of negative space method. Have kept it simple and strong. Have designed it considering it's use on machines as well as other digital and print purposes.

      Awaiting your response,


    2. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689245 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hello Avital,

      Here is a new icon for the logo .
      Awaiting your response,

      Kind Regards,

    2. Avital dit :

      weel done with the draw but unfortunatly too complicate to understand.
      You did respect the colour but the draw is too lounge and the name is too . I need more energy

    3. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Shall work on the designs and present simple strong Design tomorrow.

    4. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689244 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hi Avital,

      Here is the updated design.

      Awaiting your response,

      Kind Regards,

    2. Avital dit :

      Hi Rusty,
      This is too similar with the first logo

    3. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Ya I just updated the colours in this one

    4. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689162 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Signalisation murale et présentation imprimée pour votre design.

    2. Avital dit :

      The idea is really good !
      You have understood the purpose of the therapy which is : to chill from the inside naturally"
      You can deepen the subject ... using the color indicate in the description, ect...

    3. Rusty_Saffir dit


      By deepen you mean, using more dark color right?

    4. Avital dit :

      Yes but also by declining the logo, because I am not necessarily convinced of the spheres. But you have clearly identified the subject and my request.

    5. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Very Well!
      I shall update the designs.
      and present them for your visualization.


    6. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

  • Logo  n°689161 Signaler un abus
    1. Rusty_Saffir dit

      Hello Avital,
      Good Afternoon!

      Sorry for the late response!
      Here is my design proposal for you.
      Let me know if you need any other color variation for your design.

      Awaiting your response,

      Kind Regards,

    2. Avital dit :

      you can deepen the logo it is nice

    3. Ce concours est terminé. Il n'est plus possible de communiquer.

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